Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our President

Being president of the United States has to be one of the toughest jobs to have. This elected official comes into office with huge problems that was left over from the previous administration and he goes forth with such vigor and does the best he can do under the circumstances. Not only does he deal with the past problems but must tackle all the new ones that come into play. Lately all I see on the news is that his popular vote with the people is very low which is a surprise to me because we the people meaning you and I put him in office, so evidently at that time we the people had full confidence in him and what he could do for America. So what happened? Our president has to fight for every little thing in congress and he did not make theses problems and issues, our president is trying to do every thing possible within his grasp and the United States problems are not going to be fixed overnight or in the 4 years that he is in office. We the people need to be patience and give this administration a chance. The economy, employment, health care, I could go on for days is not going to be fixed over night. These problems are going to take quite a while and it may take several elections and administrations before we even see a dent. I believe that we the people need to stay strong and support our government and each other for united we stand than apart...